SUBMISSION Deadline: MARCH 24,2025

Presentation Format

When submitting an abstract, please be mindful of the type of presentation you would like to make and the submission deadline.

All abstracts must be submitted via the submission platform. The submission deadline is the same for all types of presentations.

  • Poster presentation – All poster presentations will be given in person at the University of Ottawa. Create an informative and appealing poster that summarizes your research project. Posters are the preferred format for contributions that are strongly data-based, and therefore particularly suited for graphic or visual presentation.  

  • Individual oral presentation – All oral presentations will be given in person at the University of Ottawa. Deliver a 10-15 minute talk that summarizes your research project. Oral presentations are the preferred format to discuss theoretical points and share your enthusiasm regarding your research project. The conference committee will group individual presentations according to their theme.  

  • Symposium In person symposium presentations. Bring your lab and collaborators to deliver a series of three to four presentations totalizing 40-60 minutes under a coherent theme (including 8 minutes of Q&A discussion with your audience). When submitting for a symposium, please submit each individual presentation under the “oral presentation within a symposium” section, as well as a general description of your symposium under the “symposium” section.  

General Guidelines 

  • All abstracts must be submitted via the submission platform. 

  • Preliminary and completed research projects are eligible for submission provided that the research project has not been presented in other conferences. Abstracts with no results or expected results will not be accepted.  

  • Abstracts may be written in French or English and presentations at the conference may be given in either language. 

  • You may be the presenting author on only one presentation. There is no limit on co-authorships. 

  • When using standard abbreviations and symbols, define each one when it is used for the first time. 

  • Abstracts will be published in a proceeding booklet, therefore verify abstracts carefully before submitting. We do not accept re-submission or modifications after the submission deadline. 

  • Tables and/or pictures will not be accepted. 

  • If you have any questions about the submission guidelines, please email Giovanni and Stefanie, our Peer Review directors, at

Submission Requirements

If you submit for an oral presentation, your submission will automatically be considered for a poster presentation in case of a refusal. 

  1. Title of poster or oral presentation: The title should not exceed 20 words. 

  2. Presenting author: Indicate the name of the individual who will attend and present the accepted submission. It is not necessary for the presenting author to be the first author of the submission. 

  3. Email of the corresponding author: Provide the email of the individual whom we can contact regarding this submission. 

  4. Name(s) of first and co-authors: Omit academic titles. List the first and last names of the first author followed by the co-authors (if any) using numbered parentheses. 

  5. Institutional affiliation(s) for all authors: Indicate institutional affiliations and city of each author using numbered parentheses according to the order of first and co-authors (#4). Use (*) for presenting author. 

  6. Department of first and co-authors: Indicate the department of each author using numbered parentheses according to the order of first and co-authors (#4). Use (*) for presenting author. 

  7. Structured Abstract: This abstract should not exceed 250 words - please check the word count prior to submission. These abstracts should include the following sections: 

    • Background 

    • Objectives 

    • Methods

    • Results 

    • Conclusion 

  8. Keywords: Provide three to five keywords that reflect the topic of your presentation. 

Abstracts Acceptance Decision

Notifications of acceptance will be sent out in April 2025. Abstracts will be judged by a panel of experts (composed of professors and graduate students) according to the criteria of scientific merit and clarity of expression.